Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Four Ways of Knowing

What is it? How is it a way of knowing?

1. Sense perception-you must have senses like hearing, seeing, tactile, smelling etc. to observe the world, and “know” on your own.

2. Language- before you have language, you must have sense perception to be able to communicate. Language is any form of communication including between animals and people who can’t speak. It is essential to transfer ideas and teach others and learn more.

3. Reason- After having sense perception and language, you can begin to explain things using what you know. You know something because it makes sense to you.

4. Emotion- the reason you care about things and want to know. This is also how you remember things because when something had a large emotional impact you will remember the way you feel. You use emotion as a way of knowing because you know how you feel affects how you “know” or learn it.

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