Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Part II and III Hinduism Project


Yoga comes from two meanings of the word 'yoke', which means to unite, and undergo training. Yoga is therefore used to become divine, and unite with the divine spirit while still on Earth. Hinduism believes there are multiple paths, and certain paths will work better for certain individuals than others. The path must be customized. There are 4 main personality types to help one discover which path is right for themselves. However, before beginning the path, one must have a moral base. This means it is filled with truthfulness, cleanliness, contentment, self-discipline, non-stealing and non-injury. Perhaps the most important aspect though, is for one to have a strong desire to reach the ultimate goal.

Jnana-yoga (philosophical research and wisdom)

Jnana yoga, or yoga of knowledge is meant for people with strong spiritual aspirations and who are highly reflective. These people live much of their lives in their head, and their thoughts control their lives. These people are often philosophers, witnessing and reflecting on the world around them. The key for these people is to realize they possess more than their finite self; they possess an infinite self. The path to arrive at this stage is through the realization of division between the surface self and the larger self. This path consists of three stages; learning, thinking and witnessing life from the outside.

Astanga/RajaYoga (physical exercises and meditation)

Generally in the body, life force moves up and down the spine. The goal of Astanga/Raja yoga is to bring this life force between emotions and the mind into balance through physical action. Once emotions and the mind are balanced, this energy can move into a place above the space between both eyebrows called the "third eye". The mind is then free of pointless worry and stressful thoughts. The body becomes very calm, and one can begin to focus on the Lord directly.

Karma-yoga (the yoga of selfless action)

Karma-yoga is the yoga of selfless service. When we act with selfless service we expect nothing in return. When we act with selfish service we expect something and have angst and worry about receiving it. Thereby, we are freeing ourselves of our worry and feel at peace with our actions. This is God acting through us to help others. One becomes more connected with God through Karma-yoga.

Bhakti-Yoga (the path of devotional service)

Bhakti-Yoga is the yoga of pure devotion to God. It is the ultimate goal of jnana yoga and karma yoga. Bhakti is the combination of jnana yoga and karma. It is often for the more emotional worshippers than the other two types of yoga. Bhakti yoga is completely selfless, and is all about the worship of God.

Part II

Step 2: Worship: find THREE of the following to focus your descriptions on:


Brahma- the creator and the quality of passion (raja guna) not often worshiped. There is only one temple in Pushkar.
Vishnu-provider and in charge of the quality of goodness (sattva guna) most often worshipped as Krishna and Rama
Shiva-destroyer quality of ignorance (tama guna) represents the male energy of the world while his counterpart, Shakti represents the female energy.

3 Main Focuses

There are three main worshippers in Hinduism. These correspond with the Trimurti. However, Brahma is replaced with Shakti. Therefore these three groups are:

Vaishnavas – worshippers of Vishnu

Shaivites – worshippers of Shiva

Shaktas – worshippers of Shakti
-Shakti is the female version of Shiva
-material energy, Shakti literally means energy
-shakti has many personifications such as: Durga, Kali-cruel and frightening, Pavarti-kindness, Devi-goddess, Mataji-respected mother

Other dieties in Hinduism are all forms of the Trimurti or are another powerful soul on their own.


Festival worship of the deities. Deities are worshipped by being bathed, dressed and offered food and other offerings. There are usually 16 devotional acts. During puja, pictures and visual symbols are used to help the worshippers connect with the deity through the deity's energy in the object.

Each denomination (sampradaya) has specific traditions during puja.

2 Festivals

In general, the purpose of festivals is to worship deities, focus one's mind on what's really important in life-the spiritual aspect, gather to create a sense of community, to provide spiritual inspiration for one's daily life


Holi is celebrated on the last full moon of the year.
There are many legends as to why Holi is celebrated. These include: The Story of Dhundhi (a story about an annoying ogress), The Holika-Prahlad Episode (when Holika carried Prahlad into the flames), The Kamadeva Myth (when Shiva incinerated Kamadeva). The most popular however, is the story of Radha and Lord Krishna.
Krishna would complain that his sister, Radha's skin was so light. Krishna's mother, Yashoda, told him to through colored powder on Radha's skin to see if she darkened. Krishna is depicted as being a prankster and always throwing powder on Radha's face. Today during Holi, images or actors of Krishna and Radha are seen together being carried by the crowd through the parade.

Holi has also become a celebration for the new year, and a celebration of abundance for the new growing season.
Holi today is celebrated by people throwing powders, called abir, of every color on each other. The colors are made from ground dried flowers. The celebration is abundant with color and lasts for several days (the length varies depending on the denomination) .


Diwali lasts for 5 days and on the third day, the main day of the festival there is a light show "Festival of Lights" complete with candles and fireworks. On this day, gifts are exchanged as well.

People seek blessings from the Goddess of Wealth.

The festival represents different events in different parts of India. In nothern India, it represent's Rama's return to Ayodhya after he defeated Ravana. In Gujarat, the festival honors Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, and in Bengal it is associated with Kali.
For all variations of the festival, the common theme is that Diwali celebrates new life, and therefore people wear new clothes on this day. It also represents the coming of a new sewing season after winter.

Step 4: Pilgrimage: choose TWO holy sites that are visited and explain:
why they are pilgrimage sights
what is done at these locations.

In Hinduism, there are thousands of holy sites, or tirthas. Many are in India, but there are also numerous tirthas around the world.


The most famous is Varanasi, one of seven ancient holy towns. It is on the banks of the Ganges river, 450 miles south of Delhi. Its most famous mandir, or symbol, is the Golden Temple dedicated to Visvanatha/Shiva. It is the city of Shiva, and Hindus flock to the city for liberation. Because it is a very holy city, families bring their deceased family members for cremation, and later so their ashes can be thrown in the Ganges for a safe holy travel to the next life.

Ganges River

Holy sites also include natural features such as rivers and mountains. Water especially is symbollic in Hinduism of sustaining life, use in rituals and cleansing one of stress. Also, if one bathes in water associated with a deity, the believer will be cleansed of sins. In Hinduism there are seven main rivers, but perhaps the most famous is the Ganges river in India.

The Ganges river was named after the god, Ganga. Ganga was portrayed in the Mahabhrata sitting on a lotus riding a crocodile down the river. Most rivers are considered female and personified as goddesses. The Ganges in particular is very holy and used for many spiritual festivals to cleanse the believer. It is used in burial rituals for family members to throw the ashes of their beloved into the river.

Step 5. Two Rites of Passage

Jatakarma- Birth Ceremonies.

When the child is welcomed to the world, the father places ghee (butter) and honey on the child's tongue and whispers the name of God in his ear. After the 11th day, the child participates in the name giving ceremony, namakarana, by putting new clothes on the baby. The child's name is chosen by the name of position of the moon at the birth. A havan, fire sacrifice, and feast follow these rituals. There are several later rituals for the child including:
1. The first outing- when the child first meets the sun, the moon and the temple deity
2. The first haircut
3. The first grains
4. Ear lobe piercing


Vivaha is the most important samskara. The couple is chosen by elders based on their astrological signs and tended to work well. The couples had to stay together through life, and if they divorced would be excluded from the society. Couples usually come from the same varna, social class, though sometimes women married men of a higher varna, but the opposite was prohibited. Also, a dowry was included where the family of the woman would give money to her. This was outlawed in India in 1961.
Women were usually married younger to older men because women mature must faster.
There are 8 types of marriages all performed by a brahmana priest. In each ceremony there are 12 common features including exchanging flower garlands, taking seven steps together and receiving the elder's blessings.

Step 6.

Describe the concept of Dharma.

Dharma is described as "religious duty". There are two main dharmas: sanatana dharma and varnashrama dharma. The moral codes are called sadharana dharma.
Dharma is the way of the world, and the duties humans do as a part of that. It is the natural order and function of all living beings.
In order to have or demand rights we must first uphold our responsibility.

Sanatana dharma- the soul's eternal drive to serve God. It is the acceptance of many other religions and beliefs in Hinduism as well as equality among all living creatures.

Varnashrama dharma- refers to the different religious duties in life as they change depending on the stage that the believer is at.

Purpose and meaning of the Four Varnas.

Varnas are one's position in society. This is composed of one's social class ( four varnas) and stage in life (the four ashrams). The individual duties within these division are sva-dharma.

The four main groups are the:

Shudras- worker and artisans for the other groups. Their purpose is to serve the other groups. They are permitted to receive money from the other groups, and the only required rite of passage is marriage.

Vaishyas- the farmers, merchant and business people. They have been spiritually initiated into Hinduism. Their job is to pay taxes to the Kshatriyas, protect animals and land, and create prosperity for the society.

Kshatriyas- warriors, police and administration. Their job is to protect the people of the society, accept challenges, never leave a battle and develop noble qualities.

Brahmanas- the teachers, priests, intellectuals. Their job is to provide the spiritual direction for society, inform and educate society and live frugally.

These four classes are developed so a society can function with everything it needs and so the people can liver harmoniously and work well in their class. They were originally developed because of mutual co-operation and a shared devotion to God.

These classes provide one with a duty in life so one does not get lost and wander around unsure of what to do and how to act. They provide a path for the individual.

Explain the purpose and meaning behind the Four Ashrams.

Ashram means "place of spiritual shelter" and is just that- a place for worshippers to go and focus solely on their spiritual aspirations, and also in general, stages of life. The purpose of the ashrams is to focus on the important stage and duty of life that one is in at the moment. These ashrams are important for their distinction between these stages, and for Hindus to realize everything will come in due time as the mind changes what it wants.

The four main ashrams are: Brahmachari (Student Life), Grihasta (Household Life), Vanaprashta (Retired Life), Sanyasa (renounced life)

Brahmachari (student life)- Students are sent to schools, like boarding schools, to study and memorize scripture. These schools are rigorous and filled with extreme focus.

Grihasta (household life)- the everyday life and development of a family. This requires family responsibilities, that one provide and care for one's family. This varna is more involved in society than the others.

Vanaprashta (retired life)- After the children have left the house and the couple has finished their parenting duties, a man and his wife invest themselves in more spiritual matters. The man will often go on pilgrimage, sometimes with his wife. In whole, the couple will devote themselves to attaining a higher spiritual state.

Sanyasa (renounced life)-This is only available to men who exhibit qualities of a brahmana. A sanyasi is a man who leaves his family and wife and is free to wander, relying on God alone. These men are called sannyasis or sadhus. These men are detached and fearless, wholly dependent on God to protect them.

Part III

Dance and Drama


Dance and theater were first performed in temples to portray spiritual themes. The official handbook for dance and theater was written by Sage Bharata Muni and called "Natya Shastra". When the Moghul and British Empires invaded, dance and theater became more for entertainment. The two main styles of dance are folk and classical.


Dandiya Rasa- a dance performed by women during Navaratri with wooden sticks emphasizing the rhythm
Garba- a circular clap dance performed by women during Navaratri
Bhangra-a colorful harvest festival from Punjab mainly performed by men and boys
Giddha- graceful female dance from Punjab


Kathak- major northern style used to tell stories (katha) using intricate framework
Bharata Natyam- major southern dance style. graceful dance using facial expressions and hand gestures (mudras)
Kathakali-dance from the South. It is an expressive/drama dance using colorful face masks.


Dance and Drama were often interwoven. Other entertainment forms were popular too. The theatrical portrayal of lilas (divine pastimes) was popular and especially Rama-lila and Krishna lila. These plays show what Rama and Krishna did during their everyday. The actor is often believed to become the deity he is portraying. Today dramas and dances are still performed to educate the world on Hindu beliefs.

Family Life

There are three main views of family in the Hindu religion.
The first is that family is a distraction from the true spiritual path and one becomes trapped in maya (illusion)
The second is that family is the essential building block in varnashrama-dharma society.
The third is that material objects can be used to attain a higher spiritual state with grihasta.

Sannyasa can be achieved by performing household duties.

The basic building blocks of Hindu society lie in the roles of the extended family. In one household, there are members of all ages. This also represents the different ashrams in Hinduism. The elders provide advice for the younger generations, the women have the domestic duties, the men provide the income and property passes from father to son. Men make the decisions, though older women have strong influence as well. Women marry into their husbands family, and become a part of it.

Family relationships: A child can joke with his grandparents, but never with his parents. There is also a dependence in Hindu family life between members. For example, children and the elderly cannot financially support themselves, so they rely on the income of the working members. However, when the working members were young and when they grow older, they will need to rely on the income of the working members at that time. There is a continuous cycle of debt and repaying. Members also support each other through life events such as the birth of a child and a marriage. Marriages are often more stable as well because the entire family relies on the husband and wife, and the marriage is based in more than just emotional ties between the couple.
Today, the extended family is becoming less popular because of modern western trends.

Names: there are specific names for an aunt or uncle depending on their exact relationship with you. For example:

A paternal grandfather: Dada
A maternal grandfather: Nana

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