Thursday, January 14, 2010

Christianity Article #2

Josephus as a Primary Source:

Josephus grew up around Jerusalem as a Pharisee, and lead the Galilean forces as part of the first revolt against Rome. However, afterwards he became part of the Roman empire. As a witness, he was one of the main historians of the time and recorded Jewish history and the Jewish War in his written works around the year 100. For some historical events, he is the only eyewitness, but he embellishes sometimes. His viewpoints are contrasting because he changes sides from being against the Romans to being on their side. We can get a feel for what both sides are feeling. However, this can make it difficult to read his accounts because of the different viewpoints. He is the main source for information during the time of Jesus, the late second temple time period and the first century. Many Christian believers have distrusted him because in the second part of his life he writes about his happiness in living in Rome. Christian believers are upset with this because Romans were the ones who crucified Jesus.
Overall, in the Christian religion he is a valuable resource since he an eyewitnesses of events at his time.

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